Recruiting In 2022 – Getting It Right The First Time

The global talent pool for technical, operational and sales specialists is shrinking as demand for these skills continues to rise, and sourcing that unicorn candidate can be tough. But what if we told you that it doesn’t have to be? The right recruitment strategy will ensure you find someone who ticks all the boxes. All you have to do is make sure you’re in a position to hire in the first place. Here, we explain how…


Perm vs interim – which is right for your business?

Before you rush to advertise a job opening, ask yourself: do you need permanent or interim resources? This will depend entirely on your project requirements, workload, available time, and hiring budget (which we’ll cover shortly) – but there are other factors at play too.

If you don’t have the budget in place to train and retain someone long term – or you’re just embarking on your digital transformation journey – interim talent is the way forward. These cost-effective temporary experts can create a proof of concept before you commit and invest in permanent employees. Everyone’s a winner!


What else should you consider when recruiting?

Once you’ve established whether you need permanent or interim talent, make sure you’re 100% ready to hire without delay. You should have:


  1. The appropriate budget

To attract top talent in today’s competitive market, you must offer a competitive salary within your budget. This will require you to review the current market rates for the role (or roles) you’re hiring for. If you don’t make an appropriate offer – or you fail to be transparent about your offering from day one – you could lose suitable candidates to counter offers.











Of course, the rate will also depend on whether they’re looking for temporary or permanent work. The current going rate for interim talent is around £500 (~$577) per day, while a permanent employee will set you back at least £60,000 (~$69,000) per year – and that’s before you factor in tax and benefits!


  1. The go-ahead to hire

When you lack the time to interview candidates effectively, or you don’t have the go-ahead to hire immediately, you risk missing out on scarce talent. Sourcing, interviewing, vetting and signing-off on a particular person can take a considerable amount of time – and candidates won’t always wait for you to potentially make an offer.

To prevent them from moving on to the next opportunity, your recruitment process should consist of no more than three stages. It’s also essential that you communicate and provide valuable feedback at every stage. If you fail to do this, that candidate you needed tomorrow might already be off the market.


  1. The capacity to onboard

As well as ensuring the recruitment process is as seamless as possible for the candidate, you need to make sure you have the capacity to onboard your new hire properly. This starts with confirming the official start date, which will require you to factor in long notice periods and any potential holidays.

Once you’ve set a date for onboarding, it’s essential that the relevant staff members can provide support and all of the necessary paperwork in a timely manner. First impressions count, and if your team isn’t organised or available to offer assistance when needed, the candidate may lose trust within your company. And that’s just the start… 


Ready to maximise your chances of success?

To boost your chances of successfully securing top talent, you need to plan your entire recruitment process from start to finish and nail your offering. Our latest guide covers 10 things that employers can do to source and hire the best talent in 2022. Click here to Download your free copy today!


Hiring top talent or looking for your dream job?

Our experts are on hand to guide you every step of the way. Contact us now to find out how we can help!