10 Questions you should be asking in your interviews to land your dream job

Ever been asked during an interview whether you have any questions and come up blank? Asking the right questions during an interview can not only help you get a better understanding of the company and position, but it can also demonstrate your genuine interest and enthusiasm for the role. In this article, we’ll provide you with a list of 10 questions you should be asking in your interviews to help you land your dream job. These questions will not only help you gauge whether the position and company are the right fit for you, but they will also give you the opportunity to showcase your skills and qualifications to the interviewer. 


Where do you see the growth areas for this role and myself within COMPANY NAME?


Asking about growth opportunities within the company and for your specific role shows that you are ambitious and proactive in your career development. It also allows you to understand the potential for advancement within the company and align your goals with those of the organisation.


What does a typical customer and project look like for COMPANY NAME?


Gaining an understanding of the types of customers and projects that the company typically works on can give you an idea of the company’s focus and areas of expertise. It can also help you tailor your responses and experiences to better fit the needs of the company.


What are the biggest challenges faced by your team in the past 6 months?


Asking about the challenges faced by the team demonstrates your willingness to be a team player and helps you understand the current climate and potential challenges you may face in the role. It also shows that you are interested in being a part of the solution and finding ways to overcome obstacles.


What do you like most about working at COMPANY NAME?


Asking the interviewer about their personal experiences and opinions of the company can give you valuable insights into the company culture and work environment. It can also help you gauge the level of satisfaction and enjoyment of the team.


Why did you join COMPANY NAME?


Asking the interviewer about their motivations for joining the company can give you a sense of the company’s values and what they look for in employees. It can also help you understand the long-term goals and direction of the organization.


If I get hired, what do you expect from me in the first 30, 60, 90 days?


Asking about expectations for your first few months on the job demonstrates your eagerness to hit the ground running and make a positive impact. It also allows you to understand the priorities and goals for your role and plan accordingly.


What does success look like when working at COMPANY NAME?


Asking about the company’s definition of success can give you an idea of the expectations for your role and help you understand how your performance will be evaluated. 


What does life outside of work look like for you?


Asking about the interviewer’s personal interests and hobbies can give you a sense of their personality and values, and help you build a connection with them. Perhaps more importantly, it can also help you understand the work-life balance at the company.


Are there any measures in place by the company like continuous training to improve productivity and growth?


Asking about the company’s focus on training and development shows that you are proactive in your own growth and are interested in continuous learning. It can also give you an idea of the resources and support available to you as an employee.


At the end of the interview, ask if the interviewer/s have any reservations as to why you can’t do the job.


This is a crucial question that allows you to address any concerns the interviewer may have and demonstrate your qualifications and fit for the role. It can also give you an opportunity to address any misunderstandings or gaps in your resume or experience.


If you make note of these questions to ask at your next interview, you’ll be sure to impress your hiring manager and better yet – feel confident in whether the role is right for you. 

At Edge Tech, we have decades of combined experience in recruiting top talent for emerging technologies. That means we’re well-placed to help you through every step of the interview process. If you need any help or guidance on your upcoming interview, we’d love to help you land that dream job! 

Get in touch with us at 01908 382 398 (UK) +1 628 254 5056 (US) or email info@edgetech.ai to see how we can support you.

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